Omsk Region is an industrial and agricultural region of Russia. The sectors of specialization of the economy are oil refining, the chemical industry, mechanical engineering, and the agro-industrial complex. The region accounts for about 1% of Russia's GDP. The region's gross regional product per capita is 70% of the average for Russia. The main production, construction and trade in the Omsk region are carried out in Omsk. Industrial sectors are represented by military, aerospace and agricultural engineering, petrochemical, light and food industries; production of building materials.
About us
Governor of the Omsk Region from 14 September 2018 till 29 March 2023
"“The launch of a special economic zone is a large-scale project and, most importantly, a long-term one. Because we even make preliminary calculations for the next 10 years. It is important for us that we can give impetus to the development of our key industries - chemistry and petrochemistry, in which Omsk region has always been very strong. This will provide an opportunity to attract new technologies. Yes, they will be more costly, more capital-intensive, but for this we are creating a special economic zone so that there are tax preferences that would allow such capital-intensive and modern projects to be implemented. For us, this is another round of development of the industrial sector of our economy. Therefore, the project of a special economic zone for our region is very important and very promising.
Also, the creation of the Avangard SEZ is a large-scale project for the region. It is important both from the point of view of attracting investments, and in general for the restructuring of the industrial base of the region and the implementation of projects significant for the whole of Russia. They provide for deeper redistribution of petrochemical raw materials for the production of products imported from abroad. "

The special economic zone of industrial and production type “”Avangard”” was created on the basis of the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated December 29, 2020 No. 2347. The territory of the special economic zone is located in the north-western industrial hub of the city of Omsk and includes two sites with a total area of 407 acres: in the area of the Krasnoyarsk tract (365 acres) and Kombinatskaya street (42 acres).”
The management company Joint Stock Company “Special economic zone of industrial and production type” Avangard “was created in accordance with the order of the Government of the Omsk region dated 05.02.2020, No. 8-rp. The authorized capital of JSC SEZ IPT Avangard is 100 million rubles.
Sole shareholder of JSC “SEZ IPT” Avangard “
Ministry of Property Relations of the Omsk Region
Board of Directors of JSC “SEZ IPT” Avangard “
Kushner Denis Vladimirovich
Gulieva Lilia Borisovna
Lukyanov Igor Vyacheslavovich
Shpilenko Andrey Victorovich
Leganova Ekaterina Sergeevna.
Sole executive of JSC “SEZ PPT” Avangard “
General manager Sobolev Viktor Yurievich.
Information about the region
Omsk Region is a constituent entity of the Russian Federation in the south-west of Siberia, part of the Siberian Federal District and the West Siberian Economic Region. It borders Kazakhstan in the south, Tyumen region in the west and north, Novosibirsk and Tomsk regions in the east. Territory - 54494,45 miles², which is 0.82% of the area of Russia. According to this indicator, the region ranks 28th in the country. The administrative center is the Omsk city.

The main part of industrial production falls on the processing industry - 93.1%, production and distribution of electricity, gas and water - 6.3%.
The structure of the region's manufacturing industry (main industries): oil refining and chemical industry (75.7%), food industry (12.0%), mechanical engineering (6.0%), building materials industry (1.4%), metallurgy (1, 4 %).

Oil refining
The Omsk Region is a major center for the oil refining and chemical industries.
The Omsk Refinery is one of the leaders in Russia in terms of the volume of oil refining and its depth (83%). In general, the Omsk Refinery produces about 50 types of petroleum products: high-octane gasolines, diesel and marine fuel, jet fuel, bitumen, household gas, industrial sulfur and other products. All motor fuels produced by the Omsk Refinery comply with the Euro-5 environmental standard.
"Omskshina" is one of the largest enterprises in Russia for the production of tires, "Omsk Rubber" - for the production of synthetic rubber. Omsktekhuglerod is the largest manufaturer of carbon black in Russia and one of the world's largest manufacturers of carbon black. The Poliom factory (launched in 2013) is one of the three largest Russian polypropylene producers.

Mechanical engineering
In the aerospace industry, the backbone are the Omsk Engine-Building Association named after P.I. Baranov and Production Association "Flight". In 2015, GCSPT named MV Khrunichev, a decision was made to organize in Omsk at the production facilities of PA “Flight” a full cycle of production of a universal rocket module of the “Angara” launch vehicle.
JSC "Radio Plant AS Popov" is a major developer and manufacturer of multidirectional mobile secure communication and control systems for special and general technical purposes. JSC "Omsk Aggregate Plant" specializes in hydraulic systems for military aviation, various types of pumping equipment. JSC "ONIIP" is a research and production complex with a full cycle of work from development to production of products and radio communication systems.

Investment potential of the Omsk region
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The main goal of the Avangard SEZ is to promote the development of the economy of the Omsk Region, the Siberian Federal District and the Russian Federation by creating favorable conditions for Russian and international companies in the implementation of investment projects in the field of industrial production and logistics.