Gazprom Neft will build a graphite electrode plant in the Avangard Omsk special economic zone

The plans of the oil workers, which for some reason they do not want to t, were declassified by the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation.
Information about the industrial facilities to be built on the territory of the Omsk SEZ of the industrial-production type “Avangard” appeared on the official website of the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation on August 10. According to the department of regional development of this ministry, there are currently five potential resident companies of the SEZ “Avangard”, they intend to invest more than 10 billion rubles, while 800 new jobs will be created. In addition to the projects of Osnova Holding JSC and Titan Group of Companies already known to Omsk residents, federal officials mentioned an industrial complex for the production of graphite electrodes. Since these electrodes are made of coke, it is easy to guess that the investor of the new production will be OOO Gazpromneft – Bitumen Materials.
The main consumers of graphite electrodes are metallurgical enterprises that smelt steel and derived products in electric arc, refining ferroalloy and ore-thermal furnaces. For the production of graphite electrodes, either ordinary petroleum coke (electrodes for small and medium capacity furnaces) or needle petroleum coke (for heavy duty steelmaking furnaces) is used. For every ton of steel smelted, a minimum of 2.5 kg of electrodes is required. It should be reminded that commercial production of needle coke is planned to begin at the Omsk Refinery in 2021 after the completion of the reconstruction of the delayed coking unit.
According to the research agency MegaResearch, the demand of the Russian market for graphite electrodes is still far from saturation. And the demand and prices for these products are growing every year. A sharp rise in prices for graphite electrodes occurred worldwide in 2017, when about 30% of production in China stopped due to stricter environmental requirements from the Chinese authorities. In addition, in recent years in Russia, interest in electric steelmaking technology has been growing rapidly, so the demand for electrodes will clearly not decrease.
Until 2017, Chinese manufacturers had the highest global market share (48%). Further, the world market was distributed as follows: American GrafTech (11%), European SGL Carbon (10%), Japanese Showa denko (9%) and Tokai Carbon (5%). Among the leaders were two Indian companies – GRIL (5%) and HEG (4%). In Russia, the largest producers of graphite electrodes are the capital EPM Group (formerly Energoprom Group of Companies), which controls the oldest in Russia Novocherkassk Electrode Plant (48 thousand tons of products per year), electrode plants in Chelyabinsk and Novosibirsk, as well as Doncarb Graphite.
Based on the indicators laid down in the “Strategy for the development of the ferrous metallurgy of Russia for 2014-2020 and for the future until 2030”, which was developed by the Ministry of Industry and Trade of Russia, MegaResearch experts conclude that the volume of the market for graphite electrodes in Russia by 2028 will increase by 1, 5 times compared to 2017. The parameters of the investment project that Gazpromneft – Bitumen Materials is planning to implement (construction time, future production volume, investment size, payback period) are still unknown. A request from Kommercheskie Vesti sent to the press service of Gazprom Neft’s Omsk subsidiaries remained unanswered.
Recall that the SEZ “Avangard” is planned to be located within the boundaries of the north-western industrial hub. Residents will be built on two sites with a total area of more that 1200 acres: one is located in the Krasnoyarsk tract area (1178 acres), the other – on Kombinatskaya Street (42 acres). On April 14, 2020, according to the Unified State Register of Legal Entities, a management company was registered – JSC “Special economic zone of industrial and production type” Avangard “with a share capital of 100 million rubles and one hundred percent participation of the Omsk region. In August, the Ministry of Economic Development of Russia considered an application for the creation of a special economic zone in Omsk. A package of documents, including a draft resolution of the Government of Russia on the need to create a SEZ, was sent for approval to the Ministry of Finance of Russia and the Ministry of Industry and Trade.
A roadmap for the development of the Avangard SEZ in 2021 – 2030 has already been formed. The government signed agreements of intent with future residents. In addition to Gazpromneft – Bitumen Materials, GC Titan and Osnova-Holding JSC, anchor residents, according to the regional government, have already wanted to become. According to the head of Osnova Holding JSC Alexander ANTROPENKO, one of the projects planned for implementation at the SEZ site will be a metalwork plant for the needs of the petrochemical complex. And GC “Titan” plans to receive new products of organic synthesis for Omsk, including building in the SEZ “Avangard” the largest production of epoxy resins in Russia. According to the press service of the holding, the capacity of the polycarbonate production complex is 100 thousand tons of finished products per year. Annual production of liquid epoxy resins is planned in the amount of 75 thousand tons, solid resins – 45 thousand tons. Both production facilities are planned to be commissioned in 2024 – 2025.