LLC “Gazpromneft-Grafitek”

The project provides for the launch of the only modern production of high-quality graphite electrodes in Russia and the subsequent production of large-diameter graphite electrodes of Ultra High Power (UНР) quality in the amount of 45 thousand tons per year and nipples for them. This is a high-tech and premium product that is used in steelmaking in high-power electric arc furnaces and has no alternative replacement. The implementation of the project will significantly reduce the dependence of Russian metallurgy on imports and meet its growing demand for graphite electrodes.
It is expected that all technological processes will be carried out in closed apparatuses, and the resulting dust and gas emissions will be fed to powerful gas cleaning and air filtration systems, excluding the ingress of dangerous and harmful substances into the atmospheric air exceeding the MPC. The resulting wastewater will be treated at biochemical wastewater treatment plants and involved in the recycling water supply cycle, which will save water consumption and prevent the pollutants entering the environment from exceeding the MPC. The resulting waste is also planned to be involved, as raw materials, in the production cycle. All stages of production will be subject to mandatory production and environmental control.
Project cost – 37,000 million rubles
The plot area is 150 acres.
Jobs – 384 people.
LLC “Gazpromneft-Grafitek”
644040, Omsk, Gubkin avenue, 1, floor 2
General Director – Panov Alexander Vasilievich
Phone: +7 381 295-11-54