The first meeting of the Supervisory Board of the SEZ “Avangard”

On September 2, the first meeting of the Supervisory Board of the special economic zone of industrial and production type “Avangard” was held.
The Supervisory Board is the governing body of a special economic zone, created in order to coordinate the activities of federal executive bodies, executive bodies of state power of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation, an executive and administrative body of a municipal formation, economic entities for the development of a special economic zone, monitoring the implementation of an agreement on the creation of a special economic zones, assistance in the implementation of projects of residents of the special economic zone, projects of other investors, as well as for the purpose of considering and approving long-term plans for the development of a special economic zone, monitoring the implementation of these plans.
The members of the Supervisory Board of the special economic zone of industrial and production type “Avangard” was approved by the Decree of the Government of the Omsk region dated March 24, 2021 No. 116-p “On certain issues of the creation and functioning of the SEZ PPT” Avangard “. The members includes representatives of the Legislative Assembly of the Omsk Region, the Regional Government and the Administration of the city of Omsk, heads of relevant ministries, employees of the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation, heads of companies planning to implement large investment projects in the SEZ, a representative of the SEZ management company. The Supervisory Board is headed by the Governor of the Omsk Region, Chairman of the Government of the Omsk Region Alexander Burkov.
At the first meeting of the Supervisory Board on September 2, 2021, the issue of approving the Perspective Development Plan of the SEZ IPT Avangard was considered.
A long-term plan for the development of the SEZ IPT “Avangard” was developed during the preparation of the region’s application for the creation of a special economic zone. In accordance with the changes that have occurred, the Plan was finalized, revised and presented for preliminary review to the members of the Supervisory Board in mid-August 2021.
By a majority vote, the Prospective Development Plan of the SEZ IPT “Avangard” was approved on September 2, 2021, signed by Deputy Chairman of the Supervisory Board Dmitry Ushakov and adopted as a basis for further work.