The Omsk region united regions for the presentation of projects in the field of industrial tourism and cluster development

The two-day forum “Industry Days in the Omsk Region” is taking place in the regional Congress Hall.
Its participants included regional teams for the development of industrial tourism and clusters from more than 60 regions of Russia.
“When Vitaly Pavlovich Khotsenko arrived, one of the key tasks was set – to open the region to investors, to make sure that the Omsk region is talked about as a region with high investment potential. Today’s event is a set of steps aimed at ensuring that guests from other regions of the Russian Federation come to us. Today, more than 60 constituent entities of the Russian Federation came to Omsk as guests. As part of the “Industry Days in the Omsk Region” we are holding two events that are supported by the Agency for Strategic Initiatives and the Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation. We will summarize the results of the “Open Industry” and “PROCLUSTER” programs. We have something to be proud of in the Omsk region and we will finally put an end to the launch of our unique route “Industry of Siberia – the greatness of Russia,” said Deputy Chairman of the Regional Government Andrey Shpilenko.
In the Omsk region, 10 industrial clusters are officially registered; as federal experts note, the region occupies a leading position in cluster policy.
“Holding the forum in the Omsk region was not chosen by chance – last year the region became one of the leaders in the country in the number of created industrial clusters. It is necessary to continue active work to improve the current mechanism and, within the framework of the forum, together with the Ministry of Industry and Trade of Russia and representatives of industrial clusters, formulate a clear position. “Great attention will be paid to the opinion of representatives of the created industrial clusters – participants in the methodological program “PROCLUSTERS,” noted Mikhail Labudin, director of the Association of Clusters, Technoparks and Special Economic Zones of Russia.
Executive Director of the Institute of Economics of Knowledge Yulia Artamonova believes that holding such a significant event in the region allows the Omsk region to demonstrate to the whole country its industrial potential, its capabilities, attract new investment projects and enter new markets, including at the international level.
“Within the framework of the Cluster Dialogue forum, instruments of state support for industrial clusters will be discussed, proposals will be developed to improve all current regulations, in addition, participants from other regions will have the opportunity to study the experience of the Omsk region in creating clusters. It is truly advanced: 10 clusters is one of the record numbers in Russia,” emphasized Yulia Artamonova.
The uniqueness of the tourist route created by Omsk residents was noted by the Agency for Strategic Initiatives, where they believe that the region was not chosen by chance as a platform for presenting successful regions and awarding the best specialists in the field of industrial tourism.
“In Omsk we are summing up the results of the Open Industry educational program, which the Agency for Strategic Initiatives and the Russian Ministry of Industry and Trade created together. At the site, we plan to award specialists from more than 60 regions who have received specialization in the field of industrial tourism, and also plan to review successful projects from the regions. I hope that as a result of our two-day event, we will be able to make a good collaboration of projects and our country will learn more about industry, about the enterprises that we have,” said Deputy General Director of the Agency for Strategic Initiatives Anna Sukhova.
Today, during the day, regional teams were able to get acquainted with Omsk enterprises that are ready to receive industrial tourists, visit their territory, learn about their history and products.
Tomorrow will be the key day of the forum, the main plenary session will be “Industrial tourism. Today and tomorrow…”. And also tomorrow the final version of the tourist industrial route “Industrial Siberia – the greatness of Russia” will be presented, Russian regions will present their projects on industrial tourism. It is also planned to sign agreements.