On August 28, a meeting of the Board of Directors of the Avangard SEZ was held

An extraordinary meeting of the Board of Directors of the Avangard SEZ was held on August 28.
The meeting considered the basics of the activities, issues of functioning and development prospects of the special economic zone, as well as the progress of the Company in achieving key performance indicators (KPIs) for the second quarter of this year.
The members of the Board of Directors discussed in particular detail the issues of creating and functioning of the SEZ infrastructure, plans for its creation in 2025. The participants of the meeting were shown the structure of the SEZ website, told about its capabilities and customer-oriented elements, and also shown the functionality of the CRM system used by the Company in its current work.
A separate issue was the consideration and approval of changes to the plan of financial and economic activities of the Company for the current year.
A special feature of this meeting was the visiting part, where members of the Board of Directors, headed by the Chairman of the Board of Directors Andrey Shpilenko, as well as the Minister of Economic Development of the Omsk Region Anna Negoduyko visited the territory of the SEZ.
The created and under construction infrastructure facilities (electricity supply and gas distribution facilities) were inspected, and two construction sites were visited: OOO Omsk Plant of Oils and Coolants and OOO Omskelektrotekh. Both residents are actively constructing and plan to commission the facilities this year. Meetings with project managers were held at the sites, problematic issues and project implementation prospects were discussed.
Based on the results of the Board of Directors, the Company was instructed to continue working to achieve key performance indicators, since the investment attractiveness of the Avangard SEZ directly depends on the results of this work.