The implementation of investment projects to create import-substituting industries in the areas of small-tonnage petrochemistry is planned on the territory of the Avangard SEZ

According to the results of the implementation of the strategy, by 2030 the volume of investments in fixed assets will increase by a third.
“We created a strategic document for the Omsk region together – federal and regional experts, members of the regional Cabinet of Ministers, scientists, representatives of the business community, industry, the construction industry and public organizations participated in its development,” said Governor Alexander Burkov.
The strategy was presented at the meeting of the Government by the Minister of Economy of the region Anna Negoduiko. She said that in February the document was sent for approval by the federal executive authorities, and then finalized taking into account their recommendations, as well as the current situation. At the end of September, the draft Strategy received a consolidated positive opinion from the Russian Ministry of Economic Development.
As a reminder, Dmitry Vakhrukov, Deputy Head of the Ministry of Economic Development of Russia, visited the region at the end of September. He took part in the discussion of the Strategy already from the point of view of the formation of an action plan for its implementation. As Dmitry Vakhrukov noted, thanks to the personal participation of Governor Alexander Burkov in the development of the Strategy, the document turned out to be of high quality. This is the opinion not only of the Ministry of Economic Development of Russia, but also of other federal departments. “This is one of the few regional strategies that we have been able to adapt to external sanctions restrictions,” said Dmitry Vakhrukov.
At a meeting of the regional Cabinet of Ministers, Anna Negoduiko spoke about the final version of the draft Strategy and key projects. As previously stated in the Ministry of Economy of the region, the draft Strategy was developed on the basis of federal and regional legislation, methodological recommendations of the Ministry of Economic Development of Russia. The provisions of industry strategies of the federal level in various areas were also taken into account.
“The draft Strategy under the leadership of the Governor was finalized several times together with the federal ministries. This is due to changes in external facts that must be taken into account in order for the document to work as efficiently as possible in each of the areas,” Anna Negoduiko explained.
The target scenario of the Development Strategy of the Omsk Region assumes successful adaptation of the region to the existing conditions. In particular, the region will be able to rebuild economic and logistical ties through the implementation of major infrastructure and import-substituting projects. The development of the real sector of the economy will allow solving the tasks set in the field of social development of the region, improving the level and quality of life.
Therefore, the main strategic guidelines for the Omsk region are three directions. This is the creation of a competitive economy in the region, the realization of the possibilities of the Omsk region as a transport and logistics center and improving the quality of life of the population.
Economic growth in the Omsk region will be achieved through manufacturing and agro-industrial complex. It is planned to implement investment projects to create import-substituting industries. These are small-tonnage petrochemistry, mechanical engineering, and the military-industrial complex. In addition, the plans include the modernization of production assets and technological processes, the diversification of enterprises in the military-industrial complex. To implement this, the Omsk region needs to realize its scientific and innovative potential. “In this area, we proceed from the complex link “education – science – business.” Education focuses on engineering training. A significant role is assigned to universities and other scientific and educational organizations of the Omsk region. Business in this system will be able to access scientific potential, increase its productivity through the introduction of innovative solutions,” explained Anna Negoduiko.
In the agro-industrial complex, the emphasis is on the development of the dairy farming industry, the deepening of the processing of crop products, the creation of an infrastructure for the storage and logistics of agricultural products. New directions will be projects for the development of biotechnology, the development of new generation products with specified quality characteristics, the development of selection and genetics.
The logistics potential will be realized through a number of projects to create a transport and logistics hub. This includes the construction of the Omsk-Fedorovka airport, the northern bypass of Omsk, and the Solnechny logistics park. Priority was also given to the development and modernization of the network of roads, inland waterways and railway infrastructure, and the expansion of the air transport route network.
The most important direction in the development of the Omsk region is to improve the quality of life of the population. Strategic goals in this area are divided into several key areas. We are talking about the development of infrastructure in all social sectors, in particular, in healthcare, education and culture.
Also in the health sector, it is planned to develop a system of prevention and motivation for a healthy lifestyle, improve the training of medical personnel, and introduce digital technologies.
In the field of education, support for talented children will be expanded, it is planned to develop engineering competencies and network forms for the implementation of educational programs at all levels of education and at enterprises.
Among the areas for the development of culture, youth policy, one can note the creative industries, the strategic initiative “Pushkin Map”, participation in the modern youth movement, involvement in volunteer activities, as well as in labor, professional and entrepreneurial activities.
The solution of housing construction issues is envisaged through the implementation of a comprehensive development of Omsk. It is also planned to expand the range of mortgage products, stimulate individual housing construction, and implement a gasification program for the Omsk region.
The construction of the Krasnogorsk water-lifting hydroelectric complex on the Irtysh River and the modernization of water supply networks will provide the Omsk industrial hub with guaranteed water supply, and the population with high-quality drinking water.
The solution of the environmental issue is planned as part of an experiment on emission quotas, the introduction of a system for the separate accumulation of MSW, and the elimination of objects of accumulated harm. The transition to environmentally friendly public transport will continue in the city of Omsk.
According to the results of the implementation of the strategy, by 2030 the volume of investments in fixed assets will increase by a third, the volume of manufacturing industries – by 42%, agricultural production – by 38%.