AC&T RF continues cooperation with the Omsk region in terms of the creation and development of industrial clusters

AC&T RF continues cooperation with the Omsk region in terms of the creation and development of industrial clusters.
The Association of Clusters, Technoparks and SEZs of Russia held a series of consultations for employees of the Industrial Development Fund of the Omsk Region regarding the work on the formation of industrial clusters and their inclusion in the federal Register of the Ministry of Industry and Trade of Russia.
“Since July, we, together with experts from AC&T RF, have been doing a lot of work on the formation of industrial clusters in the Omsk region and are now starting one of the main stages – identifying investment niches and import-substituting products. That is why it was decided to send employees for additional consultation to the Association of Clusters, Technoparks and Special Economic Zones of Russia,” noted Svetlana Bazhenova, director of the non-profit organization “State Fund for Industrial Development of the Omsk Region.”
Over the course of 2 days, specialists from the regional IDF, together with experts from AC&T RF, reviewed key issues regarding the methodology of work of a specialized organization of an industrial cluster, including in identifying investment niches and helping enterprises obtain government support measures.
Separately, experts held consultations on the latest changes to the Russian Government Decree No. 779 “On industrial clusters and specialized organizations of industrial clusters.”
Let us recall that in July 2023, the director of the Association of Clusters, Technology Parks and Special Economic Zones of Russia, Mikhail Labudin, and the Governor of the Omsk Region, Vitaly Khotsenko, signed an agreement on joint work to create clusters and technology parks to increase competitiveness and develop the scientific, technical, innovative and industrial potential of the Omsk Region.
Currently, with the expert support of AC&T RF, the region has sent documentation to the Russian Ministry of Industry and Trade for inclusion in the federal Register of 8 industrial clusters.