JSC “SEZ IPT “Avangard” together with the Association of Clusters, Technoparks and SEZs of Russia began to introduce the principles of sustainable development (ESG) into the activities of the SEZ.

JSC “SEZ IPT “Avangard” together with the Association of Clusters, Technoparks and SEZs of Russia began to introduce the principles of sustainable development (ESG) into the activities of the SEZ.
Currently, the Resident Policy of JSC “SEZ IPT “Avangard” has been developed, ESG data is being generated, and activities are planned to conduct an ESG audit of the infrastructure site.
Principles of responsible attitude towards the environment (English, E— environment); high social responsibility (English, S—social) and high-quality corporate governance (English, G—governance) have become widespread under the name ESG principles. Most corporations and large companies in the world take them into account when developing their strategic plans. The introduction of these principles into the activities of the SEZ is one of the tools to increase its investment attractiveness and improve the investment climate in the region.