SEZ Avangard visited the Coral technology park in Gomel
On the second day of the SEZ Avangard, together with participants of the business mission of the Association of Clusters and Technoparks of the Russian Federation, visited the Coral technology park in Gomel
The main goal of the technology park is to create conditions favorable for the organization, development and operation of small innovative enterprises, accelerate the commercialization of R&D results, create competitive, export-oriented and import-substituting technologies, goods and services, strengthening partnerships between authorities, science, business and education.
Technopark territory – 4.7 hectares
The area of office space for residents and tenants is 2700 m²
The area of production, laboratory and other premises for residents and tenants is 1200 m²
The Gomel technology park “Coral” includes its children’s division – “Innopark”, a modern, popular intellectual leisure center for children.