The Ministry of Industry and Trade has simplified the work of industrialists in the regions

n accordance with Federal Law No. 488 “On Industrial Policy in the Russian Federation”, government bodies of the constituent entities of Russia responsible for the implementation of industrial policy in the region have the authority to adopt legal regulations in relation to industrial clusters, establishing additional incentive measures also at the level of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation.
The first and most important document included in the package of standard regulations is the “Resolution on additional requirements for industrial clusters and specialized organizations of industrial clusters in order to stimulate their activities in the industrial sector at the expense of budgetary funds of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation and property owned by the state of this subject” . The document establishes additional requirements of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation, which industrial clusters and specialized organizations must meet in order to receive support from the budget of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation, and also provides a procedure for confirming compliance with these requirements.
Another important document is the “Law on Amendments to the Law of a Subject of the Russian Federation on the Establishment of Tax Benefits.” The adoption of such a law will allow reducing regional tax rates when a participant in an industrial cluster implements import-substituting projects, which will contribute to an increase in the number of import-substituting projects.
The draft standard of the Industrial Development Fund of a constituent entity of Russia, which defines the conditions and procedure for selecting projects for financing under the program of providing preferential loans for participants in industrial clusters, has also been prepared to promote industrial development in the regions.