The new resident of the Avangard SEZ will be a plant for the production of graphite electrodes.

November 23, a regular meeting of the Expert Council of the special economic zone of industrial and production type “Avangard” was held. Experts considered the investment project “Creation of a graphite electrodes production”, which was initiated by Gazpromneft-Grafitek LLC.
The project provides for the production of large-diameter graphite electrodes of Ultra High Power (UHP) quality in the amount of 45 thousand tons per year and nipples for them. It is a high-tech and premium product that is used in steelmaking in high-power electric arc furnaces and has no alternative replacement.
The main external factor affecting the production of graphite electrodes is the global production of electric steel. In connection with the tightening of environmental standards, more and more metallurgical industries are switching to steel smelting in electric furnaces. According to forecasts, by 2030, electric steel may account for more than 40% of total world steel production (against the current level of 30%). Increased global demand for electric steel and attention to the environmental agenda are driving a steady increase in demand for graphite electrodes.
The market of graphite electrodes in the Russian Federation today is import-dependent by more than 50%. At the same time, the strategy of OOO Gazpromneft-Grafitek assumes the presence of the product both on the domestic market and on the export markets. It is important that the raw material (calcined needle coke) for the new enterprise will be produced at the Omsk Refinery (JSC Gazpromneft-ONPZ, which ensures the most rational logistics.
Dmitry Orlov, General Director of Gazpromneft – Bitumen Materials LLC, made a presentation of the project at the Expert Council in videoconferencing mode. The cost of investment costs will amount to 37 billion rubles, 384 jobs will be created.
The project “Creation of the production of graphite electrodes” received high marks from experts and was recommended for implementation on the territory of the special economic zone “Avangard”.